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Selectmen's Minutes 6/19/07
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, June 19, 2007 at 7:35 p.m.


Present: Theresa McNulty, Chairman; David L. Walsh, Clerk; Peter A. Hamilton

            George Samia, Town Administrator

            Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant


M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2007 meeting.



Chief of Police, John Cowan met with the Board to sign his employment contract.


It was noted that the Board had negotiated a 4-year contract with Chief Cowan. Board members expressed their thanks to the Chief for his pro-active approach, the many new programs he has initiated, his involvement within Plymouth County and creative staffing during difficult financial times.


Chief expressed his appreciation for Board’s confidence and support. Noted that he was able to accomplish his goals because of the support of the Officers in his department.


Board and Chief Cowan signed contract.



John Haines, DPW Director and Tom Reynolds, DPW Operations Manager met with the board to discuss new water rates and fees.


It was noted that Town Meeting had approved funding construction of new water treatment plants and replacement of mains; now funding needs to be put in place.


A discussion was held regarding the System Development Fund; fund is down to $250,000; tower needs to be repainted, need to increase amount in fund.


Mr. Reynolds gave a brief outline of a comparison of area towns fee structure. Explained various fees charged; it was noted that these fees are generally for new construction and would not impact residential users. Mr. Reynolds noted that in past department has done the street cuts, repaves, taps; now will have developer do work.


Board members agreed that the new fee schedule was equitable; noted fees can be reviewed on a regular basis.


M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to accept the new fee schedule as presented for Water Department beginning July 1, 2007.


A discussion was held regarding new water rates. It was agreed that the rates should increase be 123%. It was noted that July water bill would be at old rate. It was explained that the town has been broken into six sectors and that meter readings will be done for each sector and bills sent out as soon as readings are completed. New schedule will mean that over six month period each sector will have a new bill at new rate; bills will come out every six months, with each sector having different billing periods, i.e. July & January; August & February, etc.


M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to increase the water rates by 123% beginning July 1, 2007.



Putting together several meetings, i.e. Personnel Board, Finance Committee

Board of Selectmen                                          -2-                               June 19, 2007



            Concert on the Common – Dale & the Duds – Wednesday, June 20, 6-9 p.m.

            Cong. Lynch Office Hours – June 20 9-11 a.m. Town Hall

            Selectmen’s Summer Meeting schedule – July 10 & 24

            Kids Video Summer Camp – contact EBCTV

            Police Department – Bicycle Helmets – contact Police Department



            Reappointment of Boards/Committees; will do reappointments next week; several have

not sent back reappointment forms.


            Pending Issues – Board will look over and update at an upcoming meeting. Mr. Hamilton

noted that Hanson Land issues should be placed back on list. Also noted that Town of Holbrook has similar issue and requested Mr. Samia to contact Holbrook Selectmen to see how they plan to handle situation.


            LLC Energy Plant – will hold informational meeting on July 10; open to public; invite West

Bridgewater Selectmen.



            No one was present


M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn Open Session at 8:50 p.m.







            Board of Selectmen